Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random Acts of Sound and Fury

To people from the mainland, "aloha" may sound like touristspeak, but in fact it is a word that is uniquely meaningful. In this context it obviously means, "Greetings!"
This is a blog for people who are interested in, well, everything. I plan to rant and rave and muse and meander at random, with my mind set on "shuffle". I promise to answer every post and question to my complete satisfaction. In return, dear reader, I ask you to turn me on to the things that interest you- websites, blogs, music, photos, GPS coordinates, Dewey decimal addresses- whatever.
Book reviews, recipes, show & tell- all are welcome. Feel free to send cash.
For starters, here are a couple of my photos, if I can figure out how to post them.

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